Project 52

New year. New project. New photos.

Last year I gave a good valiant effort at a 365 photo project, which I logged on my personal Facebook page. Well, I shot photos everyday until sometime in May/June when things just got nutty. The project felt more like a burden then an enjoyable journal of my year. That's when I knew it was time to give.

I do love the idea of chronicling a year in photographs, but I wanted to do something more than that this time around. I wanted to challenge myself artistically and put my new camera to work, learning the in's and out's of this gloriously complicated machine. I decided this would be the year of 52 - one shot a week... MUCH more manageable. Then I came across a photo challenge, well several actually and ended up choosing the Project 52 Challenge over at MCP Actions. I've been a big fan of MCP's awesome Photoshop actions and photography tips and tricks for a long time. I love the challenge of a new theme each week, yet you have the freedom to explore and be noncommittal with the theme too.

I only have one Intro to Photography (film) class under my belt, so thankfully, I understand the basics. I'm still a beginner. A newbie. And I'm ok with that. I'm hoping to learn a lot from the other participants and the comments/critique I receive on my photos.

All of my photos can be found on my Flickr set. To look at everyone who is participating in this challenge, go here. New themes are posted each Saturday.


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Sarah Jerger
Burlington, Vermont
Mom, wife, professional, grad student + maker of things
On a journey to live a creatively-filled and fueled life.
Lover of craft, art, making + slowing down